Blood Pressure Monitoring

What types of ostomy accessories are available?

At Langford pharmacy, we carry a wide variety of accessories to help with the day to day management of an ostomy

  • Ostomy belts-wrap around the abdomen to help support the pouch. Good alternative to those who can’t use adhesives
  • Pouch covers-cotton based cover that fits over the pouch to help protect the pouch
  • Skin barrier-liquid, wipe or powder that help protect the skin around the stoma from irritation
  • Paste-used to fill in any holes between the stoma and the barrier to help create a better seal
  • Tapes-used to help support the ostomy system. Good for waterproofing
  • Adhesive remover-helpful in cleaning the adhesive that might stick to the skin

How can I get my ostomy supplies covered?

Our pharmacists can process your ostomy supplies through BC Pharmacare and it depends on your deductible and most of insurance company can cover it. Also, we provide receipts for manual reimbursement.

Give us a call today 778 265 5550 for more details.

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